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时间:2010-07-22 来源:人文与社会 作者:汪晖 被查看:

[23] 同上,第6007页。


[24] Memoranda by the Chinese Government (Cairo, November 24, 1943), United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States diplomatic papers,Government Printing Office,  1961) p.387.The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943 (1943), (DC:


[25] 美国外交档案“开罗会议”卷收录的Hopkins Paper1123条下记载提到了蒋对苏联对华态度十分关心,其中特别提及中共问题、新疆问题、外蒙独立问题等。United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States diplomatic papers,Government Printing Office,  1961) p.376.The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943 (1943), (DC:


[26] 如《解放军报》20071224刊登题为《蒋介石两次拒接收琉球》的文章;《环球时报》200931还刊登了在网上广泛流传的题为《钓鱼岛祸根:二战后蒋介石两拒琉球回归》的文章,等等。


[27] CHIANG KAI-SHEK, An Inventory of His Diaries in the Hoover Institution Archives, 43-10(November , 1943)113


[28] 《中华民国外交史料汇编》(十二),第6015页。


[29] CHIANG KAI-SHEK, An Inventory of His Diaries in the Hoover Institution Archives, 43-10(November , 1943)1115


[30] 同上,43-101117)。


[31] 同上,43-101117)。此处黑体字是作者所加。


[32] United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States diplomatic papers,Government Printing Office,  1961) p.349-350.The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943 (1943), (DC:


[33] Ibid. p.366-367.


[34] 在《国防最高委员会秘书厅呈蒋委员长关于准备在开罗会议中提出之战时军事合作、战时政治合作及战后中美经济合作等三种方案》(民国三十二年十一月,原件日期不详)中,在“关于休战及议和条款”下的丙条也明确说“收复一八九四年以来日本所取得及侵占之领土”。《中华民国外交史料汇编》(十二),第6022页。


[35] CHIANG KAI-SHEK, An Inventory of His Diaries in the Hoover Institution Archives, 43-10(November , 1943) , Prepared by Lisa H. Nguyen, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 2006, updated 2007, 200843-101125)。


[36]国立编译馆(主编):《中华民国外交史料汇编》(12), 第6072页。




[38] United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States diplomatic papers,Government Printing Office,  1961) p. 322-323. The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943 (1943), (DC:


[39] 英国外交部档案,37135755, 《西藏与中国的宗主权问题》,1943410,转引自梅·戈尔斯坦:《喇嘛王国的覆灭》,杜永彬译,北京:中国藏学出版社,2005, 325页。


[40] 《中华民国外交史料汇编》(十二),第6016-6017页。


[41] 罗伯特·达莱克:《罗斯福与美国对外政策》,陈启迪等译,北京:商务印书馆,1984, 612, 474, 556页。关于美国与英国在对华关系及亚洲殖民地问题上的差异,参见王建朗:《从蒋介石日记看抗战后期的中英美关系》,《民国档案》2008年第4期。


[42] 《中华民国外交史料汇编》(十二),第6021-6022页。


[43] 例如,英国曾对于“东北四省、台湾等归还中国”以及“使朝鲜独立”等措辞表示反对,主张改为“当然必须由日本放弃”及“脱离日本之统治”就可以,原因是英国担心这些提法会引起其亚洲殖民地的联想。同上,第6064页。


[44] 同上,第6035页。


[45] CHIANG KAI-SHEK, An Inventory of His Diaries in the Hoover Institution Archives, 43-10(November , 1943) ,此条记在开罗会议(19431122-26日)之后的反省录中。 Prepared by Lisa H. Nguyen, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 2006, updated 2007, 2008.




[47] 英文原文(译文):“The president then referred to the question of Ryukyu islands and enquired more than once whether China want the Ryukyu. The Generalissimo replied that China would be agreeable to joint occupation of the Ryukyu by China and America and , eventually, joint administration by the two countries under the trusteeship of an international organization. United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States diplomatic papers,Government Printing Office,  1961) p. 324.The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943 (1943), (DC:


[48] 英文原文(译文):“President Roosevelt proposed that, after the war, China and the United States should effect certain arrangement under which two countries could come to each others assistance in the event of foreign aggression and that the United States should maintain adequate military forces on various bases in the Pacific in order that it could effectively share the responsibility of preventing aggression. Generalissimo expressed his agreement to both proposals. The Generalissimo expressed his hope that the United States would be in a position to extend a necessary aid to China for equip its land, naval and air forces for the purpose of strengthening its national defense and enabling its performance of international obligations. Generalissimo Chiang also proposed that, to achieve mutual security, the two countries should arrange for army and naval bases of each to be available for use by the other and stated that China would be prepared to place Lushun (port of Arthur) at the joint disposal of China and the United States. President Roosevelt, on his part, proposed that China and the United States should consult each other before any decision was to be reached on the matter concerning Asia. The Generalissimo indicated agreement.”Ibid. p. 324.


[49] 图瓦人居住在萨彦岭和唐努山之间的区域,清代称为“唐努乌梁海”,系乌里雅苏台将军下辖的专区,地位与同属的科布多和喀尔喀蒙古四部相并列。1914年被俄国武力侵占,十月革命后,19218月中旬,图瓦呼拉尔(All-Tuva Constituent Khural)宣布建立唐努-图瓦共和国(Tannu-Tuva Ulus Republic),并通过第一部宪法。开罗会议后一年,即1944年,唐奴-图瓦被苏联单方面吞并。


[50] United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States diplomatic papers,Government Printing Office,  1961) p. 324-325.The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943 (1943), (DC:


[51] 卢沟桥事件前,中苏已经签订互不侵犯协定及交换意见,并于“八一三”战争后签订了《中苏互不侵犯条约》。但1940年苏方认为中国“在国际联盟会上对于削除苏联会藉一案,围场积极相助”而冷淡;1941年因皖南事变苏联对蒋施加压力;同年,苏联与日本签订中立条约,表示尊重满洲国、外蒙人民共和国等。在新疆问题上,苏联早期(1933-34)入侵哈密,拥盛世才而逐马仲英,但至四十年代,盛世才与苏联产生矛盾;就在开罗会议前五个月苏联撤回其在新疆的飞行队,地质考察团,拆毁飞机制造厂,调回技工人员等等。因此,开罗会议之前,中苏关系处于挫折期。见《中华民国外交史料档案》(十二),第5818页。


[52] 英文原文:“We are determined that the islands in the Pacific which have been occupied by the Japanese, many of them made powerful bases contrary to Japans specific and definite pledge not to militarize them, will be taken from Japan forever. The territory that Japan has so treacherously stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria and Formosa, will of course be returned to the Republic of China. All of the conquered territory taken by violence and greed by the Japanese will be freed from their clutches”. United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States diplomatic papers,Government Printing Office,  1961)p.403. 下面提及的英方草案打印稿见同上文件第404页。The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943 (1943), (DC:


[53] 《中华民国外交史料档案汇编》(十二),第6004-6005



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